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Celebrities"Gillian Perkins's Net Worth: The 9-Step Formula She Used"

“Gillian Perkins’s Net Worth: The 9-Step Formula She Used”

Did you see Gillian Perkins‘ latest income report? $35,847.69 in a single month. That’s like buying a new Tesla every 60 days!

But here’s the kicker: Gillian isn’t some trust fund baby or Silicon Valley unicorn founder. She’s a regular mom from Oregon who figured out how to turn YouTube videos and online courses into a 7-figure business.

So how much is Gillian Perkins actually worth? Strap in, because we’re about to dive deep into the numbers, strategies, and secrets behind her online empire.

(Spoiler alert: It’s way more than you think.)”

At A Glance

NameGillian Perkins
Current JobCEO at Startup Society LLC (September 2018 – Present)
Other Experience– Digital Marketing Specialist at Gillian Perkins International (January 2014 – Present) in Portland, Oregon Area
– Web Designer & Online Business Strategist at Aptus Creative Marketing (May 2016 – Present) in Salem
– Program Director at Northwest School Of Music (September 2006 – Present)
Education– Associate of Arts (A.A.) in Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services from Chemeketa Community College (2011 – 2013)
– Associate of Science (A.S.) in Liberal Arts and Sciences/Liberal Studies from Chemeketa Community College (2011 – 2013)
WebsiteGillian Perkins
YouTube ChannelGillian Perkins – YouTube
InstagramGillian Perkins on Instagram
TwitterGillian Perkins on Twitter
LinkedInGillian Perkins on LinkedIn
Startup SocietyJoin Startup Society
Amazon Author PageGillian Perkins on Amazon

Background and Early Career

Gillian Perkins’ entrepreneurial journey began at a young age in Oregon. Demonstrating a knack for business early on, she started her first venture at age 14, teaching music lessons to local students. This initial foray into entrepreneurship laid the foundation for her future endeavors. Perkins attended Chemeketa Community College, where she earned three associate degrees in Business, Science, and Art.

In 2006, she founded the Northwest School of Music, which quickly grew under her leadership. By the age of 17, she was managing around 30 students and supporting herself financially. Her business acumen continued to develop, and by 2015, she had expanded the school to over 150 students and hired several employees.

Perkins’ ability to scale her business and her passion for teaching others led her to transition into online entrepreneurship. She started a YouTube channel in 2014, sharing insights on building successful online businesses. Today, she is a well-known digital marketer, content creator, and educator, helping aspiring entrepreneurs achieve their goals through her various online platforms and courses

Income Sources

A. YouTube Channel

Gillian Perkins’ YouTube channel, started in 2014, has grown significantly over the years. As of July 2024, her channel boasts over 710,000 subscribers. Based on Socialblade.com data, her estimated monthly YouTube earnings range from $1.5K to $24.1K. In September 2021, Perkins reported YouTube ad revenue of $6,207.68, indicating that her actual earnings likely fall in the upper range of these estimates.

B. Online Courses and Digital Products

Perkins’ primary income source is her online courses and digital products. Her flagship program, Startup Society, is a membership-based platform that teaches entrepreneurs how to build and grow online businesses. In September 2021, Startup Society generated $11,968.00 in revenue. Additionally, her course “Creator Fast Track” brought in $11,184.00 that same month.

C. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is another significant income stream for Perkins. In September 2021, she earned $1,488.01 from affiliate programs. Perkins has mentioned that her affiliate income can range from $1,000 to $6,000 per month, depending on promotions and partnerships.

D. Consulting and Coaching Services

While Perkins has scaled back her one-on-one consulting work, she still offers high-ticket coaching through her “$100K Mastermind” program. In September 2021, this program generated $4,000 in revenue.

E. Book Sales and Royalties

Although not explicitly mentioned in her income reports, Perkins has authored books on entrepreneurship and marketing(SORTED), which likely contribute to her overall income through sales and royalties.

F. Speaking Engagements and Events

Perkins occasionally participates in speaking engagements and events, which can be a lucrative income source for established entrepreneurs. However, specific earnings from these activities are not publicly disclosed.

Estimating Gillian Perkins’ Assets

A. Real Estate Holdings

Perkins has shared that she purchased her first real estate investment property, a triplex, at the age of 21. While the exact value of her real estate portfolio is not public, it’s reasonable to assume that she has continued to invest in property given her interest in passive income streams.

B. Investments in Stocks and Other Financial Instruments

As a savvy entrepreneur, Perkins likely has a diversified investment portfolio. However, specific details about her stock holdings or other financial investments are not publicly available.

C. Business Valuations

  1. Startup Society LLC: While the exact valuation of Startup Society is not public, we can estimate its value based on revenue. Using a conservative multiple of 3-5 times annual revenue, and assuming monthly revenue of $12,000 (based on the September 2021 report), the business could be valued between $432,000 and $720,000.
  2. Other Business Ventures: Perkins may have investments in other businesses, but these are not publicly disclosed.

D. Personal Assets

While specific details are not available, it’s reasonable to assume that Perkins owns personal assets such as vehicles and potentially valuable items like jewelry or art.

Analyzing Gillian Perkins’ Liabilities

Based on Perkins’ September 2021 income report, we can provide a detailed breakdown of her monthly liabilities:

A. Business Operating Expenses:

  1. Payment processing fees: Approximately $1,200 per month for PayPal and Stripe.
  2. Software and subscriptions: Around $867 per month, with potential for higher costs in months with annual subscription renewals.
  3. Graphic design expenses: $675 per month for a retainer with a graphic designer.
  4. Podcast expenses: About $1,500 per month, primarily for the agency managing her podcast.
  5. Telephone and internet: $245 per month for business communication needs.

B. Payroll and Taxes:

  1. Personal salary: $4,700 per month.
  2. Payroll taxes: Approximately $360 per month (federal and state combined).

Subcontractor Payments:
Approximately $13,000 per month for various team members, including a business manager, virtual assistants, and a video editor.

Tax Obligations:
Based on her reported monthly income of $35,847.69, her annual income would be around $430,172.28. Assuming a conservative effective tax rate of 25%, her annual tax liability could be approximately $107,543.07, or about $8,961.92 per month.

Total Monthly Liabilities: Approximately $31,508.92

This figure includes all known monthly expenses and estimated tax obligations but does not account for potential business loans or personal liabilities like mortgages or car payments, which are not disclosed in the income report.

Calculating Gillian Perkins’ Net Worth

"Gillian Perkins's Net Worth: The 9-Step Formula She Used"
“Gillian Perkins’s Net Worth: The 9-Step Formula She Used”

Given this detailed information, we can provide a more accurate estimate of Gillian Perkins’ net worth:

Total Assets Calculation (Annual Estimates):

  • YouTube earnings: $74,492.16 (based on $6,207.68 monthly revenue)
  • Online courses and digital products: $324,624 (based on $27,152 monthly revenue from Creator Fast Track, Startup Society, and Mastermind)
  • Affiliate marketing: $17,856 (based on $1,488 monthly revenue)
  • Real estate investments: $200,000 – $500,000 (conservative estimate)
  • Business valuation (Startup Society): $432,000 – $720,000

Total Estimated Assets: $1,048,972.16 – $1,636,972.16

Total Liabilities Calculation (Annual):
$378,107.04 (based on $31,508.92 monthly liabilities)

Net Worth Calculation: Assets – Liabilities
$670,865.12 – $1,258,865.12

Based on this detailed analysis using Gillian Perkins’ actual income report, we can estimate her net worth to be between $670,000 and $1.26 million. This range is based on concrete financial data from her business but doesn’t include personal assets like vehicles or personal investments, nor does it account for any personal debts or mortgages.

Lessons for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Perkins’ financial journey offers several valuable lessons:

  1. Importance of Multiple Income Streams: Perkins has diversified her income across YouTube, online courses, affiliate marketing, and real estate.
  2. Leveraging Personal Brand: Perkins has built a strong personal brand, which has allowed her to command higher prices for her products and services.
  3. Investing in Scalable Digital Products: Her focus on digital products like online courses allows for high profit margins and scalability.
  4. Balancing Short-Term Income with Long-Term Wealth Building: Perkins’ investment in real estate demonstrates her commitment to building long-term wealth alongside her business ventures.
  5. Transparency in Business: Perkins’ willingness to share detailed income reports provides valuable insights for other entrepreneurs and builds trust with her audience.


While an exact figure for Gillian Perkins’ net worth remains subject to variables not publicly disclosed, our analysis suggests a range of $670,000 to $1.26 million. This estimate is based on her publicly disclosed income sources, known assets, and detailed expense reports.

Perkins’ financial journey offers valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs. Her success demonstrates the power of diversifying income streams, focusing on scalable digital products, and balancing short-term income with long-term wealth building strategies.

As you embark on your own entrepreneurial journey, remember that net worth is just one measure of success. The skills you develop, the impact you make, and the lifestyle you create are equally important factors in your overall success and satisfaction.

By applying the lessons learned from Perkins’ approach to business and finance, you can work towards building your own successful online business and growing your net worth over time. Remember to stay patient, persistent, and always be willing to adapt and learn as you navigate the exciting world of entrepreneurship.


What is Gillian Perkins’ Estimated Net Worth?

Based on the analysis in the article, Gillian Perkins’ estimated net worth ranges between $670,000 and $1.26 million as of 2024.

What are Gillian Perkins’ Main Sources of Income?

Gillian Perkins’ main income sources include YouTube ad revenue, online courses and digital products (like Startup Society), affiliate marketing, consulting services, and potentially book sales and speaking engagements.

How much does Gillian Perkins Earn from YouTube?

Gillian Perkins’ YouTube earnings were reported at $6,207.68 per month in September 2021, which translates to about $74,492.16 annually.

What is Startup Society and How Much Does it Contribute to Gillian’s Income?

Startup Society is Gillian Perkins’ membership-based platform that teaches entrepreneurs how to build and grow online businesses. In September 2021, it generated $11,968.00 in revenue.

What are some of Gillian Perkins’ Liabilities?

Perkins’ liabilities include business operating expenses, payroll and taxes, subcontractor payments, and significant tax obligations. Her total monthly liabilities are approximately $31,508.92.


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